Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo Uzeiye is so far the best mobiliser for President Museveni, She has brought ONC closer to ordinary Ugandans

Love or hate NRM, the flamboyance, elegance and swiftness Hajjat Uzeiye Hadijjah Namyalo brings to the Office of the National Chairperson (ONC) of the National Resistance Movement is repulsive. The Office of the National Chairperson belongs to President Yoweri Museveni who is the NRM National Chairperson.

Starting off from a very busy Hon Milly Babirye Babalanda, Namyalo has changed the Office to being felt by the ordinary citizens, with excessive engagement and presence. 

Namyalo first appointed coordinators for the office of the National Chairperson in each and every district, on behalf of the President. 

The officers would move along in the provision of alternative ideas and engagements to ensure that the President’s office efficiently functions and, ensure services are delivered to the people. 

“We do not tolerate corruption, mismanagement or even embezzlement. We must ensure that the aspirations of the ordinary Ugandans are met, especially during this time when President Yoweri Museveni is still out leader,” says one of the coordinators. 

Uzeiye was appointed by President Yoweri Museveni in 2022 as the head of the Office of the National Chairperson, replacing Minister Babalanda. She had earlier on been appointed as a Special Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs. 

The senior NRM and government official started up by ensuring the much desired visibility, engaging several online and digital influencers who increasingly pushed the awareness of the office to compete with several other brands country wide. 

“Our role now, moves along into further ensuring government programs are implemented. We also work along with different NRM leaders to ensure we popularize our candidate as we also make sure his identity is further and increasingly liked. These are replications of what Hajjat Namyalo advises us to do,” says Brian Keitira, the Kyamuswa ONC Coordinator. 

Late last year, at the height of the endorsements for several candidates for presidential election in the next electoral season, Namyalo and her team, including the NRM Secretariat started a move that saw several people endorse President Museveni as the next candidate for the 2026 Presidential Polls.

The leader who appointed 5 coordinators for every region, well facilitated and paid, with gadgets including smartphones to efficiently have the people work and underline the issues raised by the public for swift rectification by the desired authorities.

“She also appointed Abazukulu, who are almost in every corner of this country trying to ensure that the Office of the National Chairperson is further felt by the common person,” one of the officers in the office of the National Chairperson told this website.

For Instance in Kalangala, the ONC coordinator for Bujumba County, Harriet Namisango has been at the fore front of fighting injustice especially in the different government programs within the area. This further helped leaders on recollection and rectifying mistakes.

Namyalo has also been moving to the different regions of the country, understanding people challenges and problems that they live with in communities including the undesired poverty.

It is upon such background that together with her team, started distributing items under the office’ wealth creation exercises including and not limited to chicken and feeds for poultry, goats, sewing machines and saloon equipment to further support populations on wealth creation.

The National Resistance Movement which takes the lion’s share of the resources distributed by the Electoral Commission under the Political Parties Financing arrangement gets more than Ugx 23 billion annually to run activities of the party including the office of the National Chairperson of the NRM.

During the President’s trip to the greater Masaka region, the Special Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs made prior visits, setting ground for mass mobilization of people to join the President on the tour.

Richard Nakibinge, a resident in Bukomansimbi described Namyalo as a woman who “listens and issues raised about presidential pledges and follows up by reminding the President. The office is now closer to us the local population, keeps her cool, and treats everyone with respect.”

With the intricacies and components that make up an informed definitive view of a growing Political party is the ability to mobilize, strategize and understand governance of the people they lead.

Earlier this year, Namyalo, in further networking, reached out to the Kingdom of Buganda and bought tickets for the annual Kabaka birthday run that brings together a host of dwellers to join the Kabaka in his quest to save lives especially of people living with HIV/AIDs.

“The imaginative act saw the Kingdom dwellers further understand remain in content that government is not against but pro the Kingdom, its activities and the further quest for the development of Kabaka Mutebi’s Subjects,” a Minister in the Kingdom told this website.

Like Richard Fineman, a physician who appreciates the beauty of a flower more than any other says, understanding more than the average man sees, imagining the cells, appreciating that a flower evolves, with its colors, more attractive to insects, sharing static scents, recognizing the majesty of a quantum world, adding to the beauty and not subtracting.

For Namyalo’s tenacity to change, mobilize and improve ONC, with excessive visibility remains unmatched.

One thought on “Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo Uzeiye is so far the best mobiliser for President Museveni, She has brought ONC closer to ordinary Ugandans

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