
Shocking details! Mafia fighting Speaker Anita Among exposed by intelligence reports

AKAMPA Tanbull

Anita Annet Among is a Ugandan accountant, lawyer, and politician who has been serving as the Speaker of the 11th Parliament of Uganda since 2022. She also represents the Bukedea District Women Constituency in parliament.

Where as there have been allegations and rumors of mafia-like groups or individuals involved in Uganda’s politics and economy, and some have speculated that such groups may be opposed to Anita Among’s leadership.

It’s essential to note that our intelligence reports have discovered these claims are substantive based on the concrete evidence we have gathered as a team of private investìgatoŕs collaborating with investìgatoŕs at Tanbull256 and other intelligence agencies with in Uganda and abroad.

Our intelligence reports have discovered that certain individuals or groups (whose names we will not mention now) with significant economic interests are dissatisfied with Among’s stance on various issues, such as reigning over 11th Parliament with over 88% support from Members of Parliament, being able to deliver some of the opposition big shots to President Museveni at lower cost compared to what others have always asked for, passing a number of bilĺs in a short period of time, not giving contracts and tenders and resource allocations through Parliament.

These disgruntled individuals or groups are there fore using various tactics, including propaganda and disinformation campaigns, to undermine her authority and influence.

We have credible evidence, that where as Ugandan politics is often marked by intense rivalries, power struggles, and accusations of corruption, the mafia fighting Speaker Anita Among are equally within National Resistance Movement (NRM), some see her as a threat to the transition question that she might get too powerful and become a stumbling block to their power struggles since she is too close to President Museveni.

Others wanted business, tenders, contracts in their favour, others wanted jobs for themselves oŕ sons and daughters and all these did not materialise so together wìth some activists being bankrolled by groups from abroad because of Anita Among’s bold stand on the Anti Homosèxuality Act, they decided to focus their guns on Speaker Among, to portray Parliament as a weak institution not delivering on the mandate of legislation and oversight to Ugandans.

They detest to see her bounce back as Speaker of the 12th Parliament.

The war for Speaker Anita Among has just started…and mainly she was the target in the #ParliamentExhibition and more are to come.

We will give you more extracts from this intelligence report.

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