Hon Minsa Kabanda officiates at the Nakawa Skilling initiative for youth by CentenaryBank & Balimwezo Community Foundation (BCF)

Tanbull256 reporter

M/S Prossy Namubiru, Centenary Bank representative talking to the Skilled Youth

Today Saturday 30th July 2022, Balimwezo Community Foundation(BCF) with support from Directorate of Industrial Training Uganda under the Ministry of Education and Sports, Centenary Bank, BEHCO and Youth Advocacy Foundation Uganda-YAFU have been able to support event of over 200 youth and Women who have got certificates in different hands on Skills like Tailoring, Bakery, Hairdressing , Vehicle and motorcycle Mechanics, Electronic mechanics, Plumbers among others.

The Colorful event took place at New Testament Evangelical Church-Kitintale attracted different officials from Nakawa Division including the Mayor and his Councilors.
The Minister for Kampala, Hon Minsa Kabanda called on graduands to work towards the development of their communities and be the change agents towards development by putting politics aside and work as a people.
Hon Balimwezo Ronald, the Founder of Balimwezo Community Foundation (BCF) and Member of Parliament for Nakawa East called upon the graduands to keep disciplined in their fields of specialization.

M/S Ruth Biyinzika from Skills Development Facility(SDF) under Private Sector Foundation Uganda ( PSFU) told youth and Women to use their skills to create more jobs in the Country and be the solution towards bridging the employment gap in the Country.

Appreciated them for staying committed to the cause of fighting poverty in their Communities.
Centenary Bank gave financial literacy, business management skills, on spot bank accounts to these business men and Women in the initiative dubbed as #CenteBusinessLife #CenteBizYouthClinics that intend to bring Centenary Bank closer to Youth and Women especially during this period where we celebrate Youth annually every 12th of August, in International Youth Day.

As Centenary Bank we will come to your community starting with every division with in Kampala Capital City and then later spread out to other Cities/Districts, as a bank, we have youth and Women on top of the agenda to enable their businesses grow not only through giving affordable loan products but also support businesses with soft business skills, financial literacy among , notes M/S Prossy Namubiru representative from Centenary bank.

The Associate Director, Youth Advocacy Foundation Uganda-YAFU (www.yafug.org) pledged to bring other partners like Uganda Registration Services Bureau(URSB), Uganda Revenue Authority(URA) to give support to these youth and Women in business get business names, Company and TIN registration, Tax Education services as peer to peer holistic ways of bridging the employment gap in the country Uganda.

We want to congratulate the graduands and wish them all the best in their career/profession life.


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