
Don’t be hoodwinked by Muhoozi Project,President Museveni is still In charge

AKAMPA Tanbull

Well, on the early morning of 23rd April 2022, I twitted congratulating Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba upon reaching his 48th birthday!…a section of youth and some Civil society activists/players attacked me, allegedly accusing me of supporting a monarch!

I tweeted again telling people of how they get it wrong! If one wishes a fellow human being a happy birthday, it does not necessarily mean that he or she supports or backs what that fellow does or intends to do.

On several occasions, I have sent Hon Robert Kyaguranyi, Rt Dr Kizza Besigye, Gen Mugisha Muntu, Chairman Mao and others congratulatory birthday messages even when I don’t subscribe to their political parties! Me, not supporting them for the number one job of this Country does not mean that I don’t wish them well.
Others think that by the fact that I/we supported/Campaigned for President Museveni during the 2020/2021 elections, we automatically support Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba to be the next President after his Father! This assumption is equally not right. President Museveni through his handlers approached me and my team and convinced me/us beyond doubt to support the man from Rwakitura, we did consult and went in full swing in as far as campaigning for President Museveni and he won. We were insulted, abused, threatened and attacked in many different ways off course by some opposition agents or figures but we kept on standing.

President Museveni is just one year in office, we are not yet into elections, meaning that the H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is my President until he pronounces himself Publicly that he won’t be on the ballot paper, I will remain loyal to him and my party, National Resistance Movement (NRM).

Those branding me as an agent of #Muhoozi Project, know that I am not and Muhoozi has never approached me nor met me any where.

And let people not be deceived that what we saw on 22nd and 23rd April 2022 were just social events to celebrate birthday of the first son, Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba.

These events are political in nature, very deliberate to make Mr Muhoozi Kainerugaba a household brand and the most talked about leader in the Country, whether he has ambitions to replace his father H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for number one job in the Country or not, it is very possible that the current system seems to be in his favour than any one else.

Revellers who attended the Ishaka Kasiki organized by Balam Barugahare could have mostly been youth who wanted free food, drinks and to dance to the artists that were performing, partly also those who attended Lugogo Oval party organized by Mr Toyota. Though this event at Lugogo had quite a blend of people, those paying political allegiance or loyalty to Gen MK and those who wanted to only eat and drink. The ones #Kakwenza would call bum-lickers!

The organized run at Kololo airstrip by Mr Andrew Mwenda and his team flopped! Very few runners turned up because there was no food!
Mobilisation was poor but those who turned up reflect the real support Lt Gen Muhoozi has, actually the people who turned up for the birthday run are his true loyal people not the other groups who turned up in Ishaka and Lugogo Cricket Oval

So if at all, Gen Muhoozi has ambitions to become a President of Uganda after his father or not, some sections of public think that he would have perhaps tried to tackle social issues that affect most Ugandans than throwing parties all over!

As well have activities that support or give solutions to these social causes than throwing musical parties and rallies.

Like in Hon Betty Namboze’s words, “I have no Problem with any Ugandan who has ambitions of becoming a President”, therefore if Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba has ambitions, when that period for elections comes, let him bid for this office and Ugandans will decide.

As of now, developing Uganda continues, a better Country is what I envision for me and the next generations to come.

AKAMPA Tanbull

3 thoughts on “Don’t be hoodwinked by Muhoozi Project,President Museveni is still In charge

  • Elly Orishaba

    Yes, Uganda’s number one office/job is entitled to any citizen and no one should question MKs integrity and interest in case. However the entire organization, strategy leaves alot of gaps for criticism.Forexample, If is true that this was just a mere birthday party why would would someone donned in army uniform associate with his diehards donning Tshirts and banners reading, MK Project, MK for President etc. if it was any other army officer Court Martial would be sitting for now. even who would have allowed it to happen? The room for playing double standards can’t stop the project equation unbalanced.


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