
YOU REAP FROM SACRIFICE, Message to the Youth of Uganda

Ndawula Ronald
Youth Leader from Luwero

At the end of the war, 2 neighbor who had returned from exile were both given 10kg of beans, a panga, jerrycans  hoes and basins each and some kilograms  of posho by the then Munistry of rehabilitation.
When they went back to their homes.
Life as you would imagine was at its worst but the feeling of coming home was enough to settle the returnees and rediscover their long lost glory of a place called home.

These two neighbor’s were faced with a challenge of where to start, and how to proceed from constructing a new tenement and proceed with life as their original houses were run down.
Mr Lubinga on reaching his home got his panga entered a thicket and got wooden poles and made a makeshift house with dried banana leaves where they slept for that night.

Mr kagwerawo got stuck on what to do and looked for other returnees who had  come first and they offered space for him and his 2 children.
Mr Lubinga next day started clearing bush around the house and also making a decision on what to do with 10 kg of beans.
He and his wife opted not to eat the beans but to plant them because they thought about what they will eat when their ration was finished.
The Lubingas made a decision to eat greens and posho for a start and planted the 10kgs of beans.
Mr Kagwerawo on the other hand stayed at the neighbor’s home kitchen and started eating the beans though sparingly.
Within 6 months Mr Lubinga had built a mud hut, had 500kg of beans from the original 10kg.
On the other hand Mr kagwerawo enjoyed talking about the war and the experiences of being a refugee in your country.
After a while, Mr kagwerawo was reminded by those sheltering  him that they wanted to make use of their store. This didnt go down well with him and looked for another friend to give him a place of abode.
He started cursing the government and friends for not helping him and the little beans they were given.
He started  surviving on handouts and wild food in the bushes of bibanja  holders who had not yet returned .
Kagwerawo alwys presented himself as the wise one because when the war broke out he spent most of the time in kampala with his elder brother and he had alot to tell about city life.
It  three years Mr lubinga had built himself a new iron roof house, had 3 cows and children going to school.
Kagwerawo in 3 years had become a desperate village drunkard and sold his kibanja to Mr lubinga.
The  decision on what to do with the 10kg of beans shaped the future of these 2 families forever.
Mr Lubinga knew first hand that we were condemned to to eat from our sweat , so he had to work and not to complain.
Secondly , Mr Lubinga knew first time that God always performs a miracle to those who plant anything! When you plant a bean seed you don’t get a bean seed but beans.
The miracle is one bean can multiply 50 times in 4 month by just throwing it under the ground and wait.
The same bean can give immediate satisfaction if you’re hungry.
The point am trying to make here is, investment is the key to our development.  The challenge is, it involves sacrifice and patience. The future you want to live requires you to forego the immediate needs so that you invest either time, money  effort, and commitment to attain that which you aspire to be.
Those in Statehouse paid the price
for staying there in the bushes of Luwero, but I see people on the streets of Kampala who want to be given power on a silver platter!
That defies the law of you reap what you sow.
I call upon all well meaning aspirants of good life to invest in your dreams. It may not even be money but time and effort to start moving in the direction of your choice.
Complaining and whining will never accomplish anything but it will make you bitter not better.
Good day

Ndawula Ronald


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