
URA brings moile Tax advisory services closer to Masaka and sorroundimg Districts

MASAKA: The Uganda Revenue Authority Mobile Tax Office is camping in Masaka sub-region to offer Tax advisory services to the population.

The Tujenge Bus team camped in the region on Monday 13th March, and it is slated to offer tax services till Friday 17th March 2023 in identified areas.

On Monday, the Tujende Bus Team camped in Lwemiyaga-Ssembabule, Tuesday and Wednesday it will camp in Ssembabule Town council, Thursday in Bukomansimbi and Friday it will camp at Lukaya in Kalungu District.

“The Tujenge Bus team is back on the road starting today. Our first stop, Greater Masaka! Pass by the bus,” URA tweeted on Monday.

The mobile tax office is a URA bus code–named Tujenge Uganda that works as revenue mobilization vehicle, reaching out to taxpayers in the remotest areas of Uganda where URA is not stationed. It was launched in July 2021.

While covering kilometres upon kilometres, taxpayers are taught the dynamics of taxation, their responsibilities, rights and obligations. Ordinarily, the bus parks in a destined area and opens office to transact business like any URA office. Usually, there’s a team of URA officers that make door-to- door visits to businesses that cannot visit the bus station

Tax returns are filed with the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA). Provisional returns must be submitted between 1st July – 30th December of the financial year, and final returns must be submitted before 30th of June every financial year.
A tax return is a legal way of reporting your income, expenses, and other pertinent tax information. It enables you to analyze your tax liability, generate and schedule tax payments.

In Uganda, tax returns must be filed annually for an individual with business or companies. Accounting for your income, interest, dividends, and profits.

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